“For the First Time” Performed by Halle Bailey From Disney’s The Little Mermaid Disney’s The Little Mermaid is now streaming on Disney “The Little Mermaid” reimagines the beloved story of Ariel, a curious mermaid who longs to experience life on land and, against her father’s wishes, visits the surface. Ariel finds herself on an unexpected journey of self-discovery as she encounters the prince, a sea witch, and an incredible new world. Disney is the only place to stream your favorites from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and more. For more updates, subscribe to Disney , Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. Disney is the ultimate streaming destination for entertainment from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. Follow Disney for the latest: Disney : Instagram: TikTok: @disneyplus X: http
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