In another fantastic installment of Jay’s “Street Grab Series,“ Brett Gregory, CEO of the Circle G Movie Ranch, stops by the garage to show off his infamous Rat Rod, a 1948 Ford F6. Cobbled together out of the parts of many different cars, this Rat Rod’s patina hides a few modern tricks! But how well does it drive? Brett and Jay find out! Do you know of a interesting Rat Rod in your neighborhood? Let us know in the comments! » Subscribe: » Visit the Official Site: THE BEST OF JAY LENO’S GARAGE » Exclusive First Looks: » Ultra Rare Supercars: » Jay’s Book Club: JAY LENO’S GARAGE ON SOCIAL Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: @jaylenosgarageofficial ABOUT JAY LENO’S GARAGE A new video every Monday! Visit Jay Leno’s Garage, the Emmy-winning series where Jay Leno gives car reviews, motorcycle reviews, compares cars, and shares his passion and expertise on anything that rolls, explodes, and makes noise. Classic cars, restomods, super cars like the McLaren P1, sports cars like Porsche 918 Spyder and Camaro Z28, cafe racers, vintage cars, and much, much more.
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