Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 24 arrived at the new Parliament building to attend the 18th Lok Sabha Session. He addressed the media persons ahead of the commencement of the session in the lower house. He along with his MPs will also take oath as a member of the Lok Sabha. Before the session, pro-tem speaker Bhartruhari Mahtab took oath in the presence of President Murmu. Ongoing NEET-NET issues are likely to be raised by the opposition today. #PMModi #LokSabha #ParliamentSession #LokSabhaSession Join ANI’s YouTube membership to get access to perks: Subscribe now and press the bell icon 🔔 to get new video updates: -------------------------------------- ANI is South Asia’s leading Multimedia News Agency providing content for every information platform, including TV, Internet, broadband, newspapers, and mobiles. Subscribe now! Enjoy and stay connected with us!
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