The Internet. Will it remain the one open frequency where humanity can bypass filters and barriers, or become the greatest spying machine ever imagined? The future is being coded as we type. Across Oceania, States have been erecting and installing measures to legalise the watching, tracking and storage of data of party-members and proles alike. If such plans materialize, will this place ever be the same? Join our plucky host Robert Foster as he conducts an incisive analysis of the situation at hand. Joining him are newly appointed Thought Police General at the Pentopticon, Darth O’Brien Baxter, and a surprisingly lucid Terence Winston Moonseed. Once again, in the midst of this Grand Human Experiment, we ask tough questions about our future. Will it involve a free internet which will continue to revolutionise the way the world communicates with itself? Or is our picture of the future a Boot stamping on this Human InterFace forever? Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant - on Wurundjeri Land in Melbourne, Australia. - SUPPORT the creation of new episodes: * Patreon: * Options: * Bitcoin: 1HMPK1zFCLopAvNEvR3aehFU1tSvHeWkTS - DOWNLOAD: * FREE MP3: * LYRICS available here: * TOR Browser: - CREDITS: * MAIN BEAT “Colossus Awakens“ Produced by the Goat Beats * ORCHESTRATION & George-Orwell theme composed by Adrian Sergovich * MUSIC & VIDEO EDITING by Giordano * ALL VOX by Hugo * ARTWORK & website wizardry by Zoe Tame of * EFFECTS & ANIMATIONS by Jonas Schweizer (See his work: ) * PROPS: Thanks to Zoe Umlaut of Umlautronics for constructing the Juice Channeling Portal, worryingly close to spec; Gilles Gundermann for Orwellian props. Thanks to Dave Abbott for technical advice; and deep gratitude to Lucy & Caitlin for all the ongoing support (and patience). - CAPTIONS: Merci to Koolfy from la Quadrature du Net. - TRANSLATIONS: * Thanks to Artiom for Russian translation * Thanks to Jonas Maebe for Dutch translation * Thanks to Vagner Morais for Portuguese translation * Thanks to Alex Barroso for Spanish translation * Thanks to Julie Chatagnon for French translation * Thanks to Aurimas for Lithuanian translation * Thanks to Minomess, Rafael & Leshie for German translation * Thanks to Tamara for Serbian translation * Thanks to Ekcelent for Slovak translation * Thanks to Matija for Slovenian translation * Thanks to Marjan Rizov for Macedonian translation * Thanks to Benthe Stensgaard Denmark for Danish translation * Thanks to Jaromír Karmazín for Czech translation * Thanks to Deniz Ulker for the Turkish translation * Thanks to Globaleaks Project for Italian translation * Thanks to Martins Rozenberg for Latvian translation * Thanks to Kotsalat for Greek translation * Thanks to Plamen Kolev for Bulgarian translation * Thanks to Markus Stenqvist for Swedish translation * Thanks to ’ পাড়াগাঁর ভাঁড় ’’ (Paragar Vaar) for Bengali translation * Thanks to Jonathan for Hebrew translation * Thanks to Takanori Eto ( 江藤貴紀 ) for Japanese translation * Thanks to Hannah Yun (云虹)for Chinese translation * Thanks to Wojtek Satoshi for the Polish translation * Thanks to Lia D for the Finnish Translation * Thanks to Taehoon Jun for the Korean Translation * Thanks to Haytham Faisal for the Arabic Translation * If you would like to translate this episode into your language, please contact us via our website - FURTHER READING: * ESSENTIAL: “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace“ by John Perry Barlow (1996): ~barlow/Decl... * TOR PROJECT: * NATIONAL SECURITY INQUIRY (Australia): * GREAT ARTICLE by Richard Falkvinge “Debunking the Dangerous ’If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’“: * INTERNET ACTIVISM: We highly recommend checking out this video-interview with Julian Assange (WikiLeaks), Jacob Appelbaum (Tor Project), Jeremie Zimmerman (La Quadrature du Net) & Andy Muller-Maguhn (Chaos Computer Club): Part 1: Part 2: * INTERVIEWS with NSA whistleblowers Thomas Drake & William Binney:
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