Millions of dollars are coming to you! Don’t skip it. You will receive financial blessings from God this month. Obtain financial breakthrough after you try this powerful prayer. Receive a miracle and attract large sums of money. This prayer against debt is a remedy for money problems like a money magnet. Cure your money problems and win a lottery jackpot today. Support the Channel by making a small monthly donation here: We all know that the word gospel means “good news.“ Nowadays it is very frequent to reduce this good news to three pieces of news that are announced to people to attract them to the gospel: If you are sick God heals you. If you have financial problems, God provides, which includes the idea that if you are in debt, God will pay your debts, one way or another, and If you have problems in your personal relationships (family, work, etc.), God will get you out of them, which includes the idea that if
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